Jun 13, 2011

DIY necklace / Tutorial collier

Part 2 with another diy creation using hardware store supplies & yarn to match the bracelet I made yesterday. Today I am attempting some crochet on a chaine.
Deuxième tuto pour une autre création utilisant mes emplettes au magasin de bricolage et de la laine pour aller avec le bracelet d'hier. Je me lance donc dans du crochet sur chaine.
As a self-taught crocheter (does this word even exist?!) I really don't know any of the technical terms, so I am really hoping the pictures will speak for themselves. In the end it's about the inspiration not replication, right?
J'ai appris le crochet toute seule, donc je ne suis pas très au fait des termes techniques. J'espère que les photos vaudront des explications détaillées.

Do you like it?
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  1. I love this diy! It's made with such simple materials but it still looks incredibly chic!! PS, thank you for including me on your blogroll!

  2. Thank you Tiffany for your nice comment. I am working on a follow up where I will crochet a bit more & in different colors, so more to come..
    I love your blog and the cute outfits you put together. Keep up the good work!
